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Lab News Archive

2020-04-14: NSF CAREER Award


Dr. McCurry received a 2020 NSF Early Faculty Career Development (CAREER) award from the Environmental Engineering Program at NSF. This grant will support the lab for 5 years. 


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2020-03-06: Lily's paper out in ES&T and covered by Chemistry World!





















Prozac and methamphetamine likely responsible for toxins in tap water


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2019-09-19: Dr. McCurry quoted in Lifehacker


There are Carcinogens in Your Tap Water, But Don't Freak Out Too Much


"These findings are 'in a similar range of cumulative cancer risk as air pollution ... but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go outside, or stop breathing air,' said Daniel McCurry, a researcher in environmental engineering who studies drinking water systems who was not involved with the study."


2019-04-23: Congrats to Lily!


Congratulations to PhD student Lily Shi for winning the T.F. Yen Fellowship! The Yen Fellowship is offered annually to a PhD student in environmental engineering at USC, and is given in memory of Dr. Teh-Fu Yen, a longtime environmental engineering faculty member. It will support her research for one academic year. 




2019-04-16: Congrats to Zakiyyah!


Congratulations to PhD student Zakiyyah Brown for winning the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! 


Also our lab received a grant from the Rose Hills Foundation to study the transformation of stimulant drugs in wastewater during wastewater reuse.


2018-03-13: ES&T Letters Cover


Meredith and Gary's paper is on the cover of this month's issue of ES&T Letters! 






















2018-01-30: First USC paper and OCEC award!


Our lab's first paper has been accepted by Environmental Science and Technology Letters!

Congrats to Meredith and Gary!





















Also Dr. McCurry won the Outstanding Young Engineer Award from the Orange County Engineering Council.


2018-01-30: First USC paper and OCEC award!


Our lab's first paper has been accepted by Environmental Science and Technology Letters!

Congrats to Meredith and Gary!





















Also Dr. McCurry won the Outstanding Young Engineer Award from the Orange County Engineering Council.


2017-03-07: Editors' Choice Paper and Reviewer Awards from ES:WRT


Our recent paper, "Control of nitrosamines during non-potable and de facto wastewater reuse with medium pressure ultraviolet light and preformed monochloramine" was selected as an Editors' Choice paper for 2016 in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.



Also, Dr. McCurry was recognized as an outstanding reviewer for 2016 by the same journal.


2017-03-07: Editors' Choice Paper and Reviewer Awards from ES:WRT


Our recent paper, "Control of nitrosamines during non-potable and de facto wastewater reuse with medium pressure ultraviolet light and preformed monochloramine" was selected as an Editors' Choice paper for 2016 in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.


Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

2016-09-20: Moving to USC/Looking for Students!


Dr. McCurry is starting as an Assistant Professor at USC beginning in January 2017!


Applications are currently being accepted for new PhD students to begin Summer or Fall 2017. The application deadline for funding consideration is December 15th, and applications may be submitted through the Office of Graduate Admission here


Our labspace will be in the newly renovated Water Lab in Biegler Hall, which will house new instrumentation, including a high-resolution LC/MS and a GC/MS triple quadrupole.


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